Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Yes, the legendary classic. Runescape. This game is fueled by nostalgia and may not look the best but the world, the quests, the skills, and finally the combat is incredibly fun. Going after quests or developing your skills is a grind but one you can normally enjoy. Which is normally why the game is considered a classic. Now your character doesn't have to be a great hero. You can be a fisherman and live a life without violence. Yes its as boring as it sounds.
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Though since the game has so many opportunities it makes it limitless. My character GaryTheLard the fisherman-drunken-tavern brawler is fun to play and to enjoy. Also, not all quests are to go slay monsters it could be to help a chef missing ingredients to make a cake. Though it could be to fight armies and to make your name as a legendary hero. Fantasy, I know not everybody likes it but it deserves respect from all gamers. Even 40 year moms who play tetris and call themselves gamers. Easily a 9-10

Dark souls Remastered

To be honest its a copy paste of the original game. All they did was fix they frame rates, "improve" combat, and finally slightly make the graphics better. Though the game is still fun to play and to feel accomplishment for your struggles. This being the most difficult game in the trilogy, it is very rewarding. Seeing new areas, meeting new people and getting new loot all has a rewarding feeling. Even if your just picking up a broken sword.
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The game has interesting and fun characters that are easy to like. Each to there own, this is a somewhat open world RPG. Though the path is somewhat set. Although the game has a large problem. The PVP. Combat is seriously broken. One-shots, stun locking, and lag will plague this game for eternity. A great game though its a 7-10

Red Dead Redemption

So, RDR2 has been upcoming for some time now. I have been waiting for it for an eternity. Though the game has no lack of content. Hunting is a really fun. From hunting a wide variety of animals or simply just fishing. Either way its interesting as it takes real skill to hunt a animal. Or just run it down with a horse and unleash your fury but I prefer skillful hunting.
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The story is fun, and gets sad at some parts. Learning skills and progressing in the story. Is rewarding and fun. The game has no lack of content. It's also fun to explore the world and go through random encounters. Since the world has no lack of content, and has a beautiful scenery. Easily a 10/10 game. I have found no flaws that hinder the game so far.

God of War Review

This GOW branched from a gruesome hack-in-slash like DOOM. Instead branched into a deep story line not just based around its fun, and interesting game play but its characters and there physical and relationship challenges. It's combat also has gear, and of course fighting thats not nearly as violent, but still has some of the older games in it.
Now the main character Kratos has a son named Atreus. Atreus want to spread the ashes of his mother on the highest peak of the realm. Now it leads them on a journey where you become stronger, and your characters relationship develops. Kratos being a god of war who killed all of the Greek gods. Makes it hard to bond. Since, he did kill his last family.

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The soundtrack is amazing. Epic fight scenes have intense music that make you feel the fight, the music during inspiring and beautiful moments are glorious orchestras. While during reveals of Kratos a deep and powerful quire show that he is a awesome powerful figure. Go listen to the amazing soundtrack. Its perfect.

Terraria Review

Terraria have provided me with thousands of hours of entertainment. Im not joking. I've clocked in more the 1000 hours into that game. I know that may sound insane but I can't express how much content there is to explore.
There are bosses with large variety. Building your character is very enjoyable. Spending so much time farming and pouring over stats and enemies may take forever, But the reward is surely worth it. Or usually. Sometimes you'll catch yourself farming for hours for a item or weapon worse than what you currently have. Which some could say is counter-productive. But adding it to your trophy room thats larger then your house itself feels great.
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It also rewards the player for quick and skillful thinking. Since anything can happen in a split second. And you fear death. For losing your hard earned coins because of an enemy is a horrible thing. Though it promotes fight or flight depending on how confident you are. Of course exploring the thousands of items, mechanics, stats, and even NPC's and there personalities will suck you into the game for weeks. It's incredibly addictive. But one of the best gaming experiences out there.

Shadow Of War Review

Shadow of war is a game I have put alot of time into. Its a game set in Mordor based on its prequel. The game has its ups and downs but the story is your a immortal dude with the power to dominate minds and your trying to take over Mordor. You must build your army from the ground up. Fighting orcs and defending your fortresses from invaders alongside your will-less  friends. Fighting and combat is so smooth and fun. The world is well detailed and its fun to go to siege and to fight for a victory. Now your friends could betray you but whatever.
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Seeing the orcish friends you've made grow to be stronger is a true sight. Although when they croak it is quite sadning. Rip Ar-Karo. Anyways the game has you fight for victory alongside your ghost friend. Celebrimbor. The forger of the one ring. Its pretty cool. Though when you die your enemies get stronger and can even survive you most desperate attempts to slay them. I'm looking at you Flogg.
But I'll easily give the game a solid 8-10 since it lacks content in some places.

For Honor Review

So, For Honor with its ever growing popularity and its multiple sinks in sales. I wanted to talk about the game and the upcoming update. So, the game itself is very skill based around your heroes and every action you make. Now its combat system is system is simple. 3 directions to block you can parry with the right heavy timings, unblock-able are moves that needs to be dodged or parried. That's nearly it.
But the new update I really wanted to talk about. It will hurt the game so much. Its terrible new feat and score systems, I mean siege is awesome looking but will only the new heroes even be good at it? An entirely new faction? Great now your Knights vs Vikings vs Samurai is ruined. Also the new voice lines are terrible they ruin the memorable lines that made the characters like able.
Now I really like the game and delved countless hours into the game learning to ways to fight with new heroes but I like the game how it is but the new update is just going to hurt the game. Of course the room still needs to expand. If it doesn't there won't be enough growing content to attract new players or keep the old ones.
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Of course the character imbalance is something to talk about. Raider, Shugoki, and lawbringer are terribly under powered and need to be fixed. When characters like Zerk, Shinobi, and Orochi are still out there being OP or generally above most heroes. Now the game needs to balance this out. They need to make weak heroes stronger and strong heroes weaker so every character has a fighting chance. Now for example a fight with two equal skilled players the fight will rely on luck. But characters shouldn't come into play. I mean if both of them are different heroes but ones stronger then the other then skill isn't important.
Also connectivity was a problem and still is. Some areas can't connect at certain times of the day. Lag is a massive problem for the community and also matchmaking. Low levels fighting near gods at the game is totally unfair and needs to be tinkered with more. Also if your going to add a new game-mode be sure the rewards are good enough to keep people playing. No one plays Tribute because reward to time is bad and its fun but Dominion has the best reward and the games last half as long. See balancing is one of the games biggest problems
Now there are still many things good about the game. Such as likable and diverse characters, challenge, and making your character look awesome. Fashion is better the functionality. The game is addictive and super fun and rage inducing. I would say its 7/10 Its really fun but balance is a problem.

Sea of Thieves Review

So, if you've been living under a rock then you haven't heard of Sea of Thieves. Not seeing this game seems nearly impossible. I go on any website that has anything to do with gaming boom Sea of Thieves. I will give a simple rundown of it in general its a pirate game, now don't think its some trash game about hunting down nothing.
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Its an open world game with alliances including merchants alliance, the gold hoarders, and finally the edgy order of souls alliance. These alliances have different jobs which pose different challenges along the way. Its a massive open world multiplayer experience. You can get into epic battles or get trusted friends. Either way you want treasure and reputation to expand your pirate career.
From personal experience I have founds friend and foe all over the game. Of course we shared great journeys or great clashes. This makes the game much more enjoyable. Everything in the game is awesome and dynamic, making close friends and allies to conquer the seas together is great but sinking them and taking all they own is also a value able option. Now people aren't just your enemy skeletons with ranges of race or great sea monsters. We'll start with skeletal monsters. They have normal skeletons, shadow skeletons, golden skeletons, and vegan skeletons. Normal skeletons are just skeletons who don't have any abilities. Shadow skeletons are black and shadow-y when in darkness they can't be attacked and they have more health then normal skeletons. Golden skeletons has gold all over him and he can't be stunned and has a massive health pool. He gets covered in rust when covered with water. When that happens he gets slowed and takes more damage. Vegan skeletons heal when in the water. Sea monsters include megalodons and krakens.
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Anyways the game has events and other important story things though you don't have to do them. We haven't talked how absolutely beautiful the game is. It's amazing islands, glimmering water, and great scenery's makes it a sight for sore eyes. The game is utterly amazing and for a rating easily gets 10/10 on everything.