Friday, April 19, 2019

Elmos Letter Adventure Review

Elmo's letter adventure is a fast pace war simulator. The game is incredibly realistic but also really violent. The story is brutal and displays war incredibly well. The graphics are phenomenal. The game features the main character Elmo on his quest to defend his nation. Once you start playing its hard to stop.
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The game is incredibly violent. Seemingly holding nothing back to display how brutal war can be. Which I think is great. The twists and turns of the story catch you off guard and are amazing. The game represents hyper-realistic combat and taking damage doesn't heal over time instead uses a wear- and-tear system where healing takes a lot of time.

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This game really shows the greatest game of all time and was masterfully made. Some say you can play it on the PS1 at the cost of graphics going down to 4K instead of 12K possible on the other systems. 10/10
P.S. This is a JOKE. Dont take seriously.

Far Cry New Dawn

Another Far Cry game? great. This one has 1001 problems just like that last 4 games. Characters have no depth. Everything lags and drops frames. The entire universe seems unrealistic and the games general theme is totally  lost. Turning a classic stealth/fighting game into a run-and-gun. Which really hurts the game.
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When they take the stealth out of the game by replacing it with a full run-and-gun. Which is better for games like DOOM and COD. But Farcry should always be stealth and then gun fights. OR strategic gun fights. Instead of ridiculously powerful guns and seemingly infinite health. It kills the fun entirely.
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The story has no connection to the actual story of Farcry. It feels like they got tired of the current story and instead just replaced it for a much worse one. The original story was about the red crystals and hunting them and stopping a massive warlord/arms dealer. It had story and characters but they just decided to skip the whole ending and just went and skipped it. I will give this game a 4/10

Friday, April 12, 2019

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Review

Being the latest release from From Software it really lives up to the hype. The game is grounded in a Dark Souls style and may not have multiplayer, but without multiplayer it allows for a new variety of mechanics. SSDT is a masterpiece with new game concepts that are interesting and work which From Software has had problems with. Though enough about the hype lets talk the game.
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It's combat is so clean. It makes the character feel realistic. It seems like the character is actually performing a wide variety of actions. Also, the bosses are unique and interesting. The deflect system is so smooth. And the difficulty. The bread and butter of any From Software game. You know its going to be good if game critics are wanting a "easy mode". From Software made the game challenging. Which is great! When you get a Dark Souls game you get unrelenting difficulty. Which is good to see come to Sekiro Shadows Die Twice.
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The games graphics is so beautiful it hurts. Playing the game with such smooth graphics and game play. Really helps with immersion. The scenery's are great and help the game feel real. When they introduced the magic concepts I was skeptical but they pulled it off well. Though some of it has no lore or reasoning on why you can do it. Which is bad game design and doesn't help players who like lore. 10/10 easy