Friday, March 29, 2019

Fallout 76

Fallout 76. Wow. A massive release and thousands of fan raving about the new game. Though the games early beta stages really showed ugly it was buggy, laggy, and filled with grinding quests that are no fun. Not having any humans really limited the story of the game. It lacked content and the merchandise was absolutely horrific. Though as the patched the game over, and over again they finally released some good updates and gave the game some enjoyable features. While they are pushing micro transactions a bit to hard. And making it incredibly difficult to make progress in the micro transaction system without just spending money.Though at least they aren't necessary.

Image result for fallout 76
Lets talk about the positives of its earlier year. Okay moving on. Later after the fixes it  had good scenery fun combat "balanced" combat and interesting mechanics and some story. It was heavily focused on leveling which I think people took to seriously. Use the low levels like there childhood. Explore and enjoy challenges. Because when you have 500 hours and a account that one shots anything the game losses a lot of quality. they need to add new areas that are incredibly difficult and are for players with finished and powerful builds. So they can still enjoy the system and not just be unstoppable. Other than that it had good scenery and the people are pretty nice until they nuke your nice little farm in the first 15 minutes.
Image result for fallout 76

So, I think that the game has a lot of potential if they do somethings differently. Make plans easier to find, traders have more money, more mutations, less performance issues, lessen the grind for levels and items, nerf certain weapons, and make the game more high level friendly.This would make things 1000 times better. For game play purposes and just for enjoying the game. 7/10